Mission and Strategy
Our vision is to transform communities and nations by establishing a culture of peace in people’s hearts.
Our mission is to influence individuals and communities through concrete actions that express a message of peace, justice and love.
Our strategy is to generate citizens who commit to having an active participation in the transformation of their communities. To achieve this, we train people in faith communities to transmit fundamental principles and values. These teachings allow us to access places of high population density such as public and private schools, universities, community centers, stadiums and government entities. Having the opportunity to share a message that challenges the current way of thinking and thus change the way of life of many people.
The “No More Violence” (NMV) movement seeks to identify and train individuals within the communities of faith, mentioned above, with these fundamental principles that allow them to educate the population to confront different expressions of violence in their community. These teachings have been applied in a wide variety of ways to be easily received by the society in general.
The continuity of the task is ensured through “Agents of Change,” which are individuals who made the decision to live a life of peace that influence their communities by having an active participation in the promotion of the motto “No more violence, a message from God.” For this they are trained with materials designed and provided by our entity.
The beginning of No More Violence – A Message from God
No More Violence began in 1997. To date, the lives of millions of people in Latin America, USA, countries in Europe and the Middle East have been touched. This has been possible thanks to the communication of the message of peace.
The work began with the leaders of the Argentine Baptist Youth, who faced the violent reality that was lived in almost all areas of society understood that something had to be done.
A simple message was prepared: “No More Violence, A Message fromGod.” Which was recreated on a huge flag that was taken to the professional football stadiums and also placed on flyers that were distributed in as many places as possible. These flyers have the image of two children hugging each other wearing the shirts of the two main professional football teams that are historical rivals.
To date, more than ten million flyers have been distributed.
Two years later, the work extended to public and private schools. This resulted in the development of material that communicates fundamental values and principles for the construction of a peaceful coexistence in society.
Here are some of the acknowledgments that “No More Violence, A Message from God” has received:
- Declaration of Educational Interest by the Ministry of Education of theArgentine Republic.
- Law of the Province of Misiones, Argentine Republic.
- Declaration of Educational Interest in 8 Argentine Provinces.
- Recognition of the Ministry of Security of the Argentine Republic in thepersons of Dr. Miguel Ángel Toma.
- Recognition of the Sports Safety agencies of the Argentine Republic(Prosef and Coprosede).
- Member of the National Security Bureau for the Argentine Dialoguebacked by UNDP.
- Recognized by the Argentine Soccer Association.
- Recognized by President Carlos Saúl Menem in 1999 as one of theorganizations with the highest incidence in the country.
- Distinguished by the Government of the Autonomous City of BuenosAires in 2007.
No More Violence, has legal representation in Argentina, El Salvador, Venezuela and the United States. We have also worked in the countries of Bolivia, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico.