

The program, No More Violence, a Message from God, is an educational and preventative program that:

  • Offers students a different option from the violence that surrounds them every day, drugs, idleness and other vices. It challenges them to take an active role and a positive expression to the phrase, “No MoreViolence, a Message from God”.
  • Reduces the percentage of violent acts which are demonstrated in the behavior of students. Through the prevention and education teachings which are based on fundamental principles and values that restore ethical, moral and spiritual awareness.
  • Challenges students to become “Agents of Change” and to become leaders capable of reproducing this role model among peers. This enables the continuation of the NMV Program in the educational systems of which we serve.

Who are the NMV facilitators?

Adults and young people from the faith-based community that are trained and have made a decision to promote peace.

Who is the NMV program for?

This program has been created for students in elementary, middle school or high school. The objective is to inform them and give them resources and tools to choose to live a life without violence.

How is the NMV program carried out?

Through workshop-classes that use group dynamics and various individual activities adequate for these teachings. They are guided through the activities and projects that communicate the message of no more violence. 

NMV context and material

The material is organized in the following way:

  • No more violence against myself.
    To recognize self-worth and worth in others. How to defeat peer pressure.
  • No more violence against others.
    Verbal and non-verbal communication, and its obstacles.To give solutions to violent situations that may present themselves orbe experienced (lived).
  • No more violence is my commitment.
    To identify and recognize alternative behavior.To know and understand the role of an “agent of change” who is committed to non-violence.