VENEZUELA We ask God for the Peace of Venezuela
As we see the situation unfold in this South American county, for this election where citizens are going too choose their next president of the nation, we cry out to

MÉXICO No More Violence Goes to School in Tampico, Monterrey
In Tampico, Monterrey, Mexico, a group of students from educational institutions received training and lectures over the course of several weeks on No More Violence Goes to School. The Promoters

ARGENTINA No More Violence Goes to School in Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña
The Agents of Peace of the Centro Cristiano Puerta Abierta of the city of Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, province of Chaco, kicked-off the program “No More Violence Goes to School”

RWANDA No More Violencia va a la Escuela
Within the program that was developed through the training of Promoters of Peace of NMV International, we also visited the Nyabirasi Secondary School, an educational institution where many lectures on
Argentina: No More Violence led a workshop on self-esteem
In the city of Aguilares, in the province of Tucumán, Argentina, the Agents of Change gave a workshop called “I am One-of-a-Kind and Valuable” at the School of Special Education
NMV visits the All African Baptist Fellowship Convention
The NMV visit to the AABF Convention in December 2023 was a tremendous blessing not only for our team but for the entire international movement since the doors to the
Celebrating Christmas in San Salvador, El Salvador
During 2023, the Agents of Peace assisted in the basic needs of people at the main market once a week, also sharing the true peace that can reach our lives
Argentina: “It is impossible to build a society without forgiveness, without respect, without truth.” NMV VP interviewed on TV
The Vice President of the Foundation No More Violence, Argentina, Fernando Carradori shared his perspective related to the topic of violence on the television show “Cadena de Noticias” that is
Celebrating 25 years of No More Violence
An international virtual celebration via Zoom was held to celebrate 25 years of No More Violence serving communities and schools throughout Latin America and beyond. There was participation from community
Volunteer Training in Buenos Aires, Argentina
General Rodriguez, province of Buenos Aires On August 6, a No More Violence Volunteer Training was carried out, with the main topic of “No More Violence Goes to School”, in