
Argentina: “It is impossible to build a society without forgiveness, without respect, without truth.” NMV VP interviewed on TV

The Vice President of the Foundation No More Violence, Argentina, Fernando Carradori shared his perspective related to the topic of violence on the television show “Cadena de Noticias” that is aired by C6Digital in the city of Posadas, Misiones, Argentina.

In his visit to the program, he shared that the organization NMV carries out activities in a variety of community-related locations, with “the idea of preventing and talking about principles and values, which people need since they have been overwhelmed and tired, expressing this through verbal, physical and psychological violence. What we express is basically is to be a social movement of volunteers that share peace and God’s love, because true peace is more than just the absence of violence.”

Then he commented, “the Foundation has a program called “Games in Defense of Peace” in which we challenge communities of faith to meet people in the plazas of the city and through interactive activities can integrate and reflect on the need for peace, to say the truth, to have respect for one another, through the value system that we build upon”, he said.

Through this link, you can see the full interview: