
Prevension Expo 2022, Argentina

Participation at the Prevention Expo 2022 in Oberá, Misiones, in Argentina

The volunteers of No More Violence Argentina participated in the “Expo Prevention 2022 of Problematic Consumption and Addictions, Prevention is a Commitment of All”, in the city of Oberá, Misiones.

During several days, where a little more than 3,000 people attended, they showed the task they carry out in that province of Argentina, together with exhibitors from different municipalities, public and private institutions from various fields.

The No More Violence booth was visited by young people and adolescents from various schools, in order to show the task, but mainly to sow seeds of God’s peace in their lives.

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es 20220624-02-ARGENTINA-Obera-Misiones-e1656890257443-1024x830.jpeg

For more information, click here to see the Facebook page of NMV Argentina.